By the end of that night I was hurting pretty bad. I know that I had pushed my limits for the day but the pain was pretty intense. I figured out that I was due to switch my pain patch and was about an hour and a half behind. So it shows it's working... The next few days until now I've felt pretty crappy. I have had intermittent fevers and extreme fatigue. Nausea comes and goes. I haven't had fevers for the past 3 days, but the fatigue is still there. I've been laying low and not doing much, listening to my body closely. The fevers didn't last very long, around an hour, so I didn't call/go in. If they come back and last longer then I will go in.
While I've been lounging, I caught up on emails and such and I got my final CT scan reports. Sadly I came across some bad news. There is more spread, to my spleen and liver. It doesn't say it is cancer but the only way to know for sure is to biopsy. We didn't talk about this spread at my last appointment because the CT wasn't fully read by then. I assume we will go over it at my next appointment. For now it doesn't change the treatment I am on. It just adds one more hill to climb. Or makes it steeper. When I read the report I didn't react really, and still haven't. I have become numb to bad news because I don't really know what to make of it all. The hardest part is telling those close to be bad news over. And over. And over again. That is more draining than the worry of the spread. I get nervous for any pain or issues caused from the spread, like pain. But I haven't, like I said, reacted to it yet.
My next appointment is April 5th. We shall see what they say then. I hope that my blood levels are good and stable. Scans aren't until May 1st.
Have some tentative fun things planned and I hope that my body will cooperate.
Also, little miss Ruby had scans this week and her tumors are all stable! Way to go little 4 year old rockstar! Kicking this cancer like a boss!