Saturday, March 14, 2015

The C Word

I have realized in the past 2+ months that a day hasn’t gone by without saying the word cancer. It has been in the past week that I have been bombarded with cancer talk and everything you could imagine cancer. Because of my scar that isn’t very easily masked, I have been asked about it almost every time I’ve been out in public, thus going into the script of “I have cancer… Melanoma… Yes, it is a skin cancer… Yes it can be on the inside… Yes, it actually is one of the fastest spreading and most deadly cancers there is… Yes, it’s true… Yes, it started on the outside 6 years ago.” I’m basically a walking billboard for Melanoma and skin cancer awareness, or awakening.  
Yesterday it just kind of hit me that I will not be escaping the constant reminder or cancer. I went to get my oil changed yesterday and when I was waiting for my friend to pick me up there was an entire segment on a local news station about skin cancer and sun safety. When I came back to pick it up, there was an extended commercial for melanoma and treatment advances at Huntsman on. When I came home to catch up on my DVR, each show I watched had a cancer theme for that episode, lucky me!
The reality is cancer is literally everywhere. It will eventually touch each and every person, somehow or someway. I have to accept that I will probably be followed around by the C word for years and decades to come, something I will have to learn to embrace and wear with pride.  For now I think I just want a couple days where I would like to forget that I am facing the battle of and for my life. 
At least it isn’t the other C word that is following me around.
One day at a time. 

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