Monday, April 17, 2017

"So, what's next for you?"

I have gotten that questions about 5 times in the last day so I guess I need to clarify what exactly is next for me. 

In my last post I talked about scan results and the new tumor in my neck. Although this is new information it didn't change my treatment plan for now. I am still on the at home chemo which is the BRaf inhibitors. I take meds twice a day at home and don't go up to the hospital for treatment for now. We do monitor my blood work closely though - make sure my liver is behaving, my white count (nuetropenia levels) and my cancer growing marker (which is coming down thankfully.)

As of right now I have blood work this week and they will be discussing me at tumor board again this week. After that I have a follow-up/more blood work on May 2nd. 

I am still on the pain patch, though we are working on lowering the dose and moving to just breakthrough meds. My pain is very minimal now which has been nice. My fatigue has improved and I can make it through the day without a nap most days (though there is a lot of being lazy.) Eating has improved drastically over the last week so I hope to stabilize my weight and hopefully stop losing more weight. Never thought I would be wishing to stop losing weight... Cancer does strange things to you. 

Yesterday was Easter and I enjoyed a brunch with some friends and then a good family dinner. 

*you can see my new tumor poking out, basically looks like a small Adams apple

This is a picture of one of my favorite kids (well he is 18 now...) and on his lacrosse helmet he wore my initials. Pretty amazing guy. 
Tony Boutwell


  1. Hi friend!
    I'm a new follower to your blog- I was recently diagnosed with melanomaand am just starting my journey. You have been such an inspiration!
    Are you going to make any more of your shirts? I would love to purchase one!
    Sending love your way!

    1. Hey there Amber! Sorry for the delay in responding! Sorry to hear that you will have to embark on this crazy journey, let me know if I can help with anything on the way.

      The shirts were just a temporary fundraiser but if I do it again then I will definitely spread the word.

      Again. truly, reach out if you need to vent or anything.
