Thursday, May 4, 2017

Little shits

I'm talking about my two new tumors on the front of my neck. Yep, two. They are small (one you can't even see but I can feel it) and they aren't growing fast. But they are growing. This means they aren't responding to the systemic treatment (BRaf Inhibitors) so we need to attack them in a different way. Sadly, that other way is radiation. I was told this was the next option over a week ago and it took me a bit to be alright with it and tell people. Tuesday is when we confirmed that that is the best option going forward. They did ask me what I thought (which they do with all treatments since I control the situation for the most part) and I said "you will never hear the words 'I want radiation' come out of my mouth, so this decision is on you to tell me I am doing it." My doctor said it was a no brainer decision from him as radiation worked on the other park of my neck (for the most part since only one small tumor remains) and having a break in the BRaf pills has actually proved to be more effective in the long term. In order to do radiation I need to be off of the BRaf and do what is called a "washout" which basically means time for it to leave my system, for me that is 7 days before and after radiation. I will find out Monday the plan for when to start radiation and stop the BRaf as well as how many treatments I will be getting. I also will be getting a new mask made and possibly more tattoo markers. They feel that I most likely will not get as many treatments as I did last time (20) and will probably get 5-10. If this is so, then my side effects should be much more mild in comparison. Doesn't hurt that I wont be doing chemo at the same time, like last time. My body will be able to stay stronger through this than it did before, or so I truly am hoping. Good hell I hate radiation though...
Pointing to the second tumor. The bump that looks like an Adams apple is a tumor as well

That said, I may be speaking to 7th and 8th graders about my radiation experiences in the coming weeks.  I have wanted to speak to younger kids about my melanoma in general but man it is a lot to tell! My friend is a science teacher and he suggested to narrow it down (and try and connect it to science) and so I figured radiation would be best and it has the most show and tell props (mask, burn pictures, tattoos, bald spots... you know the works!) I hope to do this in the next few weeks before school is out for the year. Better get my butt in gear!

My hair is growing super fast which is great. As of April 1st I decided to not wear a beanie/hat at all times and that seems like ages ago. I got some steps shaved in and those are pretty much out grown. I have taken a picture each Sunday since the new little hairs started to come in and now have 3 months worth of pictures and it is pretty amazing to see the change. Still holding out for curls though!
Life has gotten a bit more regular. I have had a good amount of daily energy where I don't require a nap each day. I also have had my appetite back and actually am tasting things again. It has been nice to have food that actually tastes how I think it should. It's been a long time coming for sure

I have been getting some things ready to plant in my yard and am excited to watch it all grow, going to plant them this week sometime now that the weather is warmer. I have been seeing a good amount of friends and enjoying feeling good again!
Me and tiny PipSqueek the baby goat

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