Thursday, December 17, 2015

Friend Amy's Wedding

I had the pleasure of being the Maid of Honor at a dear friend’s wedding yesterday.  It was held at the Salt Lake City LDS Temple. Because of their faith I wasn’t allowed to see the ceremony but was able to join them right after and we got some great pictures on the steps of the temple.
That night was a reception where they transformed a wardhouse into a beautiful winter oasis and it turned out really pretty. The photo booth was a lot of fun and I even got to serve up the cake.
It is crazy now that more and more of my friends are married (and have kids!) but it is fun to be a part of their celebrations.
Congrats Amy and Scott (and Holden!)

1 comment:

  1. Friend's weddings are always enjoyable and great. My brother arranged his anniversary party at one of the flawless Los Angeles wedding venues last month. Catering and photographer was too good and praiseworthy. Couple was showered with innumerable blessings.
