Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Scans and Big Appointments

I had my MRI and CT Scans last night (8pm what?) and this morning and also my appointments with my entire team.
The good news is that besides my neck, the cancer has not spread. The bad news is that in my neck there are now 7 tumors, all growing. 7 f’rs. No wonder I have had so much pain lately, there isn’t any room for them all!!
I officially withdrew from the clinical trial and had to verbally state “I refuse drug today and going forward, I withdraw from the study.” Kinda strange but I get it. Then all my appointments started. I was happy to have my mom and best friend Ashley there for the appointments, definitely helped break up the day and make time go faster.  The doctors talked about the next steps and drug options. I came into the appointment dead set on starting Keytruda and hoping to start the following week. They then presented another drug option which actually is 10% more effective than Keytruda. It is a combination of Nivolumab and Ipilimumab given for 4 treatments (every 3 weeks) and then just the Nivolumab after that for 2+ treatments. This works the same as Keytruda alone, but with an added kick. It is also harder on your system – but also harder on the cancer. There is also a third option after the combo or Keytruda, which is a BRaf inhibitor since I am BRaf positive (a gene mutation in my tumors). Although this has proven to be effective, it is only effective for 2ish years and then the cancer returns. It is more like a Band-Aid in my mind.
I have decided to go for the combo – and we are pretty sure the insurance will deny the drug so we are going to petition for free drug if that is the case.  I should know in the next day or so (but Christmas kinda messes up the timeline) but I will have to see!
For now I have to do a biopsy for new drug and to end the study. I hate them with a passion!! Hopefully it is the last one I have to do. And that I start treatment next week!
Gotta start killing off these f’rs in my neck!!


Well that was quick, they denied the combo drug within minutes. The reasoning is cost and that I have already received one round of Ipilimumab and it isn’t usually given more than once. We have now sent in an appeal and a petition for free drug.  Hopefully we hear back soon on their answer.

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