Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Live Updates From My full Day of Scans and Appointments

It is currently 4:18am and I am lying in bed, awake. Sadly I woke up from the pain in my face from the swelling around 3:45am and took some Tylenol (I know I probably should take something stronger but oh well) and then have been trying to fall back asleep since. I have been thinking of the day ahead of me, what needs to be done; take jewelry off at home, what I'm wearing today, what time I need to wake up to start drinking the nasty contrast for the CT scans. etc. And then thought I should write a blog throughout the day as I have time. My day starts at 8:30am when I have to start drinking the barium sulfate contrast. I will drink that for an hour and a half leading up to my scans. I have blood draws/IV placement at 9:30. CT scan at 10:15. MRI at 11. Psych follow up at 1pm. Then have a break to get some food in me since I can't eat before drinking the contrast. My sweet friend is meeting me at the hospital to grab food since I have a bit of a break. After that I then have my appointment with my oncologist at 3:30. Here we will get the results from the scans and hopefully get some more answers about what is happening with my swollen and painful face. It is a long, full day.
Many people ask who goes with me to all of this and often offer to join me. I usually go it alone unless I know big things are going to be talked about, then I may invite my family up. Even then I'm reluctant. I have been dealing with all this for so long (7+ years, and then heavily for 15 months) that I just feel it is annoying to bring someone else along for the long waiting game. These are long, drawn out days. My appointments usually take 2+ hours and I feel that is a lot to ask of people to sit around with me. I don't like sitting through it, why would I ask for the busy people in my life to do the same? I also feel like I have to entertain them to a degree and that's not what I'm there for. I know it is silly, because if someone asked me to go with them I would be happy to spend my time waiting with them. Ahh the crazy role reversal.
I'm going to hopefully get some more sleep now and will update this through the long day ahead. Gotta love being able to do all this on my phone! 4:38am and back to sleep I go (or try at least!)

10:24 @ Huntsman
I just finished my CT scan and am waiting for my MRI. They were able to get my IV placed on the first try which is always nice as I am a hard poke. My veins are sick of being bothered. I ran into some of my previous nurses and they agreed that my swelling is most likely inflamed parotid glands, what we do for those I am not sure. They also find it strange that my previous IV/blood draw sites all are flaring up... My body is just not liking things right now.  After the MRI I should be able to grab a snack before my 1pm appointment. Here's hoping!

12:16 @ Huntsman Bistro having a snack
All done with scans/MRI. It's always nice to have them done and out of the way for a while. My body really hates the contrast I have to have for them so that doesn't help either. Not sure how I feel about the scans, not sure if I feel like they are going to show progression or stability. The way I've felt the past 10 days gets my mind wandering to things I don't like but I try my best to not get too ahead of myself. I will say, no matter how many times I come up here I'm always in awe of the view.

3:06 @ Huntsman
Psych follow up all done. Pretty straight forward, went over managing anxiety related to everything and just options available to me as far as resources. Since my panic attack I've only had a few small anxiety moments but am able to recognize them quickly and calm myself down.
My dear friend met me at Starbucks at the U of U hospital and we chatted and had some mid day caffeine. Much needed - both the talking and the caffeine. She's dealt with cancer more than she should as well - losing her father and uncle within months of each other. She's a good person to have around and understands the cancer world and all it's craziness. She and I have become very close these past 15 months and I'm very grateful. Now just waiting to go to my final appointment at 3:30 to get results and answers about my face.

5:32pm @ Huntsman, still (in my car though)
I am finally done with my appointments. My last appointment was with my oncologist. Scans showed that my tumors have stayed the same for the most part since my last scans 8 weeks ago, no bigger but not smaller either. There are no new tumors and my brain is clear too which is great. Since I have basically hit a plateau and side effects are starting to pile up they feel the best thing to do is stop the BRAF inhibitors and switch to the Ipilimumab/Nivolumab combo. I'll go more into this in a separate post. This also means I can stop taking the prednisone which is great!
As far as my face swelling goes, they brought up a head and neck surgeon and he agreed that it is the parotid glands but said they aren't infected which is good. There is a very very slim chance it is mumps, yes crazy I know, but we still needed to do an additional test to make sure (which meant an additional blood draw since they took my IV out after my MRI). Regardless I can start to treat this at home with heat, massage and lemonheads. I can deal with that. I feel pretty good about it all for now but I am guessing I will start to think it all through more in the next few days. Right now I'm going to see a lacrosse game and a baseball game.

9:44pm @ Home
I decided to go see my friends daughter play lacrosse for a minute and then watched my favorite little tike play baseball, if you want to call it that. It was good to just decompress for a little bit. I turned my phone on silent and just enjoyed the simpleness of the night. Grabbed some dinner and now I'm home. I'm attempting to put heat packs on my cheeks but it is proving to be interesting in the least.
Processing the day a bit and will be heading to bed early tonight, as in when I finish this post.
It was a day. Not good, not bad, but a day. Happy to have it done and now have some things to move forward with and decide. Now let's hope the face swelling goes down quick and I can get back to looking like my normal self.

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