I'm a 34 year old Utah girl who is fighting stage IV melanoma for a second time. Former caramel queen and coffee slinger. Finding out whats next, one day at a time.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Pioneer Day
Friday, July 22, 2016
35 for 35
Let me tell you, 35 things is a lot to come up with especially when you have to be able to get them done by 11/2017. And you have to be reasonable.
Here is the sloppy written one...
- Travel 3+ places (since there is a time limit I was only allowed to list this as one thing... the list of places are to the right on picture. Already have Yellowstone planned for August, more to come for sure!)
Be in own place- Working full-time, only one job
- In maintenance treatment or no treatment
1+ credit cards paid off- Living a (more) active lifestyle
- Date more/at all
No more storage unitALL medical paid off- Go to Inauguration (Democrat)
Reduce soda drinking - only cocktails/moviesFix carNew phone- Read more books - 2+ year
- More extended family time
- Get "ready" more
Become more paper-free- Don't always say "Yes"
- Be more selfish - do things for myself
- Do more random acts of kindness
Frame/display pictures- Get off as many meds as possible
Go to regular therapy- De-clutter/hoard my life
- Eat healthier
- Look into/start talking at high schools/junior highs
- Get sunscreen to hand to homeless
Get involved in Melanoma runCook more- Entertain more
Feed the giraffes at the zoo- Equine/Horse therapy
Saturday, July 16, 2016
It is so great to just escape the valley and heat and reality to a serene beautiful mountain where you can just zone out, go swimming, watch for animals or just hang in the room.
As the week approached I didn't know how I would feel or where I would be in treatment. Orignially when I was on the Niv/Ipi combo I was scheduled to get my infusion half way through the week so in my head I was going to only be there for a few days. Obviously that has changed and I was able to stay the whole time - not sure they were truly expecting that but I did it! I only had a couple days and moments that I struggled but was able to pull through it. I used the spa pool and solarium a couple times and just relaxed and thought through things. My friends are crazy busy and have multiple small business constantly going so they had to come down to the valley almost everyday so I used that time to just relax and recoup. It was fun to watch their two boys enjoy their time on the rides and just be boys. They are getting so big and becoming their own little beings. It is fun to watch and just live in their simplicity.
![]() |
Ben and Anton in the room hottub loving life! |
We had groups of people come up practically each day/night and so that kept things lively and not so stagnant. Heading into the week I was worried I would hold back my friends from really doing things up while they were there since my stamina is non existent, my sun sensitivity is back and I'm extremely low on funds (I couldn't do the rides even if I wanted to anyways...) I don't think I got in the way, but I will never know for sure. Prednisone was a factor I know that, I ate everything! Ha! I told my friend she shouldn't have left me alone during my witching hours of 3-5pm... the chips just disappeared I swear! I am doing better at regulating it all but it is still a bit out of control. I'm hoping that once I taper lower I will see the water weight drop off and then I can work on the chip/treat weight.
My life isn't that bad if I step back and look at the giant picture. I just spent a week at a resort with my great friends because they are that nice to include me. When I started to have a meltdown, I went to a spa and stared out a wall of windows to a mountain side that had a family of deer on it. I was healthy enough to go for a week and enjoy as much of the time as I could. I watched two little boys enjoy all they could and play and swim their little hearts out. I spent time with my friends that I don't see too much cause our lives aren't intertwined as they once were - I miss those times but know that these times are just as important and have their own value. Was it hard to realize that I am now on the sidelines for real? Yes, but that doesn't change how I care about them as my friends and it just makes the memories a little different and may take a little more effort. They are worth the effort. Again, my life is actually pretty good, I just have this whole cancer bullshit to slap me down a couple times.
I am thankful for what I have, and for my staycation.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Good night
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Craig Sager
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Ups, downs and meltdown
I am staying up at Snowbird, a local ski resort that is open for summer and my best friends have a week timeshare. It is a staycation about 25 minutes away and seems like a whole different world. You escape the heat of the valley into mountains and beauty. I am lucky enough they let me come stay the whole week, I'm sure there are days they want it to themselves though. Regardless it's the 4th year I've joined them and I look forward to it each year. Today I planned on heading to the valley to meet some friends from out of town and then I got a call to look at an apartment. As I got ready I could feel that things would go one of two ways... Good day or a steroid rage day. Definitely was heading for the latter.. I drove down the canyon and had to check myself because I was starting to just get annoyed at the drivers for no reason really. Then the apartment was pretty awful. Then just didn't feel great and had to fill time until meeting friends. By the time I met the friends I was drained. Luckily once they got there I got a second wind (the sugar high didn't hurt either) and was able to really enjoy seeing them.
After that I drove back up the canyon and just was overwhelmed. So many thoughts and things were just racing through my mind, I couldn't shut my brain off. Once I got back to Snowbird I needed to just stare into nothing, not talk to anyone. Luckily they have a solarium/quiet space I could take advantage of and I sat up there for an hour. It helped calm me down a bit but the thoughts still just came rushing in. Headed back to the room and my friend could see through the fake smile and I just lost it. Today I was just done once it is all said and done. I had my cry and then took a nice shower. Thoughts slowed down and I was able to relax on the couch.
I then turned the channel and there was the Craig Sager speech (next post) definitely not what I wanted to hear at the moment but definitely what I needed to hear.
Now to bed. Today is done. Tomorrow I can start fresh. Sometimes one day at a time is a giant feat. As in today. And sometimes you just need to actually let people see you in the breakdown. Be human. On to tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Shrink Fest
7/7/16 Day one (took the first pills that night)
7/9/16 PM (13 hour difference from the left)
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Care Package
She is a school psychologist and had her kids all make me handmade get well cards. They range in ages but they are all grade school so they were pretty funny ones.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Scans today
Today is scan/restaging day.
Whenever you change treatments they like to have new scans so they can have a new place to compare progress to. My scans were originally scheduled for later this month so they got moved to the next available, which happens to be a Saturday afternoon. Had some other plans, but that's the life of a cancer fighter - plans aren't really a thing. You can try but you always know that something may alter the plans or you will wake up sick as a dog. You never know.
I haven't really thought much about these scans - the anxiety isn't really there so much. If I'm being 100% honest I wouldn't be surprised if it has spread somewhere else, but I don't like to think that. I have been so lucky to have it stay localized that I just wonder how long that run will last. I truly hope that thought isn't true but it's always a possibility.
Scans never used to get to me. It was just something I did every 3 months, then 4 months, then 6 months, then a year. Now back to 3 months (or more!) They came back clear for so long that I just got used to it. Now I know there are tumors (just my neck) so I know they aren't clear but they could be worse. Now I either have major anxiety or none at all. So strange.
On a good note, I started my new/old treatment on Wednesday night and now on Saturday I can see a noticeable difference in the tumors sizes. Smaller and so much more comfortable. I haven't taken a pain med (besides ibuprofen) since Thursday, which is huge. I was to the point I was talking them every 4 hours on the dot. So great to have relief. I'm still not fully pain free and sadly will be taking a good amount of pain meds for my scans since I can't lay flat without it freaking out... Having my sister give me a ride today which is new. I usually go these things solo, but taking pain meds I don't want to drive. I'm being smart - asking for help. Strange I know!
In prednisone news, the water weight and moonface kicked in yesterday. Woke up so swollen. I took some pictures out with an old friend and it took all my might to not be devastated looking at the pictures and how heavy I look in comparison to a week ago. The steroids make you ravenous and literally uncontrollable urge to eat everything in site. It is unreal and so hard to curb. My witching hours are 3-6. That's when it hits the hardest and everything in site needs to be tried. I have done my best to have sensible snacks around but man it is hard! I know water weight will go down once I stop the steroids, but the added weight from the ravenous eating won't be so easy. Really trying to control it. I am down to 80mg (started at 120mg) and will continue to taper as long as my liver enzymes continue to lower. At this rate I will still be on them in 5 weeks. Talk about a summer of roid rage! I will learn the tricks to deal with it, just have to work at it all. I do like the energy it gives me, even though it is false energy. I don't like when it is crazy anxious energy though, that's happened two days this week. Not a fan. Also it affects my sleep so now I'm on sleeping aids, necessary evil. I haven't talked to Oprah or slept are/drive or anything which I'm taking as a win. Each day is different.
Random exciting other things:
Going to Yellowstone in August and am really excited
I am looking for a place to call my own. Renting, looking for ideally a 2bedroom place. Keep your eyes open for me - no apartment complexes though.
I'm going on a staycation to Snowbird tomorrow and am making some fun treats for us to have (prednisone driven...) I get excited to cook when it is for other people. Planning on making smore bars and a tasty fruit tart. Yum!
Hope this weekend finds you playing and laughing and escaping the sad news of the world. This life is tough but it has so many little things to be so grateful for. Like making a fruit tart for friends - which really boils down to I am happy I have the energy to make something, that I can make it, that they will enjoy it and that I enjoy them enjoying it. Little things.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Pool Day
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Here are my AM meds.
Day One, Treatment Option 6 aka Treatment Option 4 act 2
I had my liver checked again yesterday and the enzymes are coming down still, just very slowly. One is 118 (3x too high) and the other is still 400+ (supposed to be 60). They are coming down which we want but the longer they are up the longer I am on steroids. I know I am complaining a lot about the steroids, but man it is something else! Yesterday I was wired and in my form of "roid rage" for sure, just uneasy and buzzing. Don't like those days.
Scans/Restaging has been scheduled for this Saturday (exactly how I want to spend my afternoon) so here's hoping that things are still localized in my neck. Scanxiety is a real thing, and I am blocking it out until that day. Which I have realized I will have to have some sort of sedation for since I can't lay flat for that long without my neck burning a hole in my head... That should be interesting!
One thing to mention - I am sipping on a cup of coffee. Sounds mundane, but since my surgery in 2015 my body just doesn't want anything to do with it. I have tried a couple times to revisit it, but no luck. I am trying again today, it actually sounded semi good. I have a quarter of a cup, we'll see if I make it though it! Ha. Little things.
Happy day one x 6 to all my lovely followers - I am learning I don't know many of you! So fascinating!