Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Shrink Fest

We are now 6 days into my new/old treatment of the BRaf Inhibitors (Zelboraf and Cotellic) and I am happy to say that they are shrinking the tumors as fast or faster than last time. I know my tumor was obviously much larger the last time I was on these but it is pretty amazing to see it work right before your eyes.
Here is a timeline of pictures to just show you how fast they work. 

7/7/16 Day one (took the first pills that night)
7/9/16 AM 
  7/9/16 PM (13 hour difference from the left)

So here are the pros and cons ...
These drugs are truly incredible if you think about it. They attack the tumors literally instantly and you can see them disappearing before your eyes. They have minimal side effects and make me feel like a normal human without a constant reminder that I'm sick. The pain relief has been so great too. I haven't had to take a pain pill since Thursday 7/7 during the day which is great (minus scans cause I had to lay flat...) and then I have started to reduce my nerve meds as well. 

These drugs are false hope. They are a temporary, bridge treatment until they stop working. Nearly every person on them will hit a plateau by month 9 and then growth will reoccur. 

I wish with all my being that these were permanent and that this excitement of them disappearing before my eyes was a permanent result and life can begin to head towards "normal." It is hard to tell people that yes this is incredible and looks like I am doing amazing but don't get your hopes up too high because we are on the roller coaster right now, highs and lows. For now I am enjoying the highs of it, and the lower pain. It is a day to day ride and for now I will be grateful for the progress I have in this moment. My neck is going to be back to "normal" in days which will be great - no visible tumors in a week I would say. We shall see! 

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