Sunday, September 4, 2016

LaterBlog: August 12-19

I have been filling my time up with as much fun stuff as I can lately. This means I have been extra busy and don't have time to update the blog when I'm out playing! *my android phone would let me update through the app, but not Iphone...

On the 12th I got to watch my sister walk in graduation from her executive masters program at BYU. She has worked so so hard the last two years to achieve this and I couldn't be more proud. It was fun to watch my uncle hand her the diploma as he is an alumni as well as a faculty member of BYU. It was just a good moment. We went to dinner as a family (extended) after which had its ups and downs but overall good. My cousin was in town from New York so it was great to see him.

On the 13th I went to a local craft/DIY festival with a friend. There were lots of fun booths and such and I came away with a sweet treat and two pairs of earrings. It is always fun to just wander through these things. I topped the day off with boating with friends up at Jordanelle reservoir. It was so great to just check out from things for a couple hours. Goofing off, snacking and just hanging. It was a good reset for sure surrounded by good people and pretty scenery.


The next few days were full of fun breakfast, lunch and dinner dates throughout the days. I tend to do a lot of that - and I'm not complaining! It is my favorite thing to do with friends, and my steroids approve haha.

On the 18th my dad, sister and two friends went to a Bees baseball game. We got peanuts, beers (not me sadly) hot dogs and ice cream. All the things! It was a fun time to hang with my dad and see him enjoy himself and having us there with him. Earlier in the day I went with my friend as she got a tattoo - for some reason I love to watch other people get tattoo'd but it isn't for me.

The 19th was Mandys (my melanoma soul sister) birthday. This is also the day that her and I met the previous year, technically. We met through Instagram so we met virtually but I saw her and she saw me in the waiting room of the infusion room so it counts. I went back and looked at our first conversations so that was a little hard. Sure do miss that spunky thing.

Looking back at this week I was a busy girl! I am so grateful that my treatments don't make me sick to the point that I can't enjoy things. The hardest part is the steroid shakes and such but that is all workable. Things could be so much worse, and I am thankful they aren't bad.

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