Wednesday, November 30, 2016

14 radiation treatments down and never a dull road

14 neck radiation treatments down - 6 to go. 

After my last post things took a turn. My throat continued to be extremely painful, sore and practically raw. I got some lidocane rinse and it wouldn't hit the area I needed so it didn't help much. On Thanksgiving I woke up and just felt like hell. I had a fever of 101.5 and could barely speak. I had my sister call into the oncall oncologist and they said it was the ER for me. I was pretty positive I was dehydrated as well so I thought I'd go in and they would address the fever and give me some fluids. 
Once there they drew labs and turns out my white blood cells were extremely low and I was nuetropenic. I was also malnurished and dehydrated. And I was then admitted up to Huntsman. 
I ended up spending 5 days, 4 nights there and was discharged finally on Monday. They kept me mostly because of my blood levels and they had to treat my throat with IV antibiotics and antifungal meds. On Saturday they said I needed to get a feeding tube and so that's what I got. Although it is not the best or most comfortable it is what I need. I am on continuous feeds so that my system isn't overloaded. I will keep this in until after radiation is finished at least, and we will see how I do after those side effects subside. 

too much like Trump so I had to hurry and shave it...
Saturday I also had my head shaved. Hair was falling out like no other and I just needed it off. We played around with the cutting and did a mohawk and some steps in the process. Now it is all but gone. Yesterday and today is the first time that I have worn scarves, it will be something to get used to. 

The final product and Steps

I had a doctor appointment today and they said I am good to go forward with treatment and just reducing the dose of one of the drugs by 25% and that should help with the blow of side effects. Oddly, my liver levels are low now but nothing to worry about. Just funny that I went from such a high extreme to a low extreme. My white blood cell count is rising as well as my nuetropenic levels. Today I have more energy and feel better. Sleeping with the feeding tube has been a bit rough (have to keep my head elevated) but I'm figuring it out. 

In other news, my friends and family are incredible. On Sunday I was having a really hard morning and had been told I wasn't going home that day and we needed to wait for a test result to come in. So already crying, I looked out my door and see my best friend Ashleys face popping in. She flew in from California to be there for me and man I bawled like a baby. She seriously showed up just when I needed it and made me feel better immediately. She stayed until Tuesday and helped out a lot when I made it home. She cleaned and helped get some items I've needed around the house and what not. 
Fun SnapChat Messages
Love things like this!

Playing around on SnapChat while we visit
My sweet elves have also kept leaving surprises for me on my doorstep. I've gotten all sorts of fun gifts! Also my friend Ali ( "nominated" (I think she just paid for it like a sneaky lady!) me to have professional Christmas lights put up for me. I am really excited about it! I will hopefully be able to get my tree up this week as well. 

Chemo is tomorrow and hope that things all go well and we are back on track with things. 

My #melafreakinoma tshirts are still on sale for 2 more days if you want to get one! 

On we go... 

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