Thursday, August 20, 2015

Treatment #5

I completed my 5th injection/3rd infusion Wednesday. It was a long day yet again, but that is to be expected. My large tumor has gone down another 1cm and the smaller tumor has gone down .5cm! Excellent news! Because the large one went down, we were able to inject both tumors with the drug. The small tumor is farther away from my scar so it has a lot more sensation, and let me just say it wasn't a pleasant feeling. Felt like a hot iron being held to my skin.. But it is over quick enough.
This day I was bombarded with positive comments from my doctor and all my nurses. They all commented on how well I've been handling everything and how strong I am being. I was told my positive energy is a breath of fresh air and welcomed in the clinic. It was really nice of them all to share with me, really gave me a second wind for the day.
I have been really tired the last few weeks - whether it is from doing more everyday or the treatment, but I think it is a combination of the two. I have felt so much better each day that it is hard to just sit around. Working up my stamina - gotta return to work someday!
The infusion went well too, saw a lot of young people in the infusion room. I posted a photo on Instagram and someone who was getting treatment found it and commented. She is 32, has stage 4 Melanoma and is going through the same treatment as I am. I saw her check in to the infusion room too! So I'm hoping to meet up with her, to have a buddy in this process. Pretty amazing what social media can do! I also got a message from an old high school buddy that works up at Huntsman and has been trying to catch me while doing treatment but without any luck. He said to keep up the good fight and that I'm inspiring people I don't even know are watching. I needed all these nice messages today - was starting to get a little burned out. But not anymore!

After treatment I was really sore and a bit nauseous. Boo! Was hoping to escape side effects fully, but it isn't too bad so it is manageable. Just lots of rest ahead and some mellow foods to eat.

Have three weeks off until my next treatment/infusion and then will be scanned to see if we continue with the injections (for up to 13 more). Here's hoping!!

In the infusion room @ Huntsman Cancer Institute

After the injections

Tumor from the front

Slightly smaller!

Messy new hair!

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