Friday, May 29, 2015

Entering into observation

I have made some big decisions this week, one of them being whether or not to do radiation. 
The tumor board presented my case once again and were somewhat indecisive but came out with more people saying yes to radiation. The two people who said no are my two primary doctors. After hearing the verdict I decided -against- radiation. Here’s why: the risks are so great for negative side effects that I don’t feel comfortable going forward for the stage my cancer is at. I have no active tumors to aim the radiation at, it would just be a large, broad area hoping to get any remaining cancer cells lurking (if there are any left after chemo). They explained that there isn’t any research on how radiation on the corroded artery fairs in the long term and most likely leads to plaque build up and increased stroke and clot risks. Having radiation on my neck will also kill all the saliva glands on that side causing long term dental problems. There is possible hearing loss. And in the rare case that the cancer returns, it most likely will return in the neck area first and after radiation it makes the surgery extremely difficult - like cement - limiting the success rate of removal. I have made this hard decision and will have to stand by it. I have decided that if a solid tumor forms I will do radiation, but where I’m at right now it is just aiming at too large of a area. 
So with this decision I entering into observation only. I have my scans every 3 months for the next 2 years, and hopefully they are clear forever and I can move past this hard chapter in my life. I am not sure what the next chapter holds, but right now I’m focused on getting stronger and healthy so I can enjoy life as I did before. I have decided to give myself another month off of work and will hopefully feel strong enough to go do some light exercise soon. Right now the drugs are still having an effect, but I am getting a little better each day. 
It has been an interesting and unforgettable journey - one that showed me what true support from friends and family means, and man was it overwhelming but in the best way possible. I will never forget this time that’s for sure. 
One day at a time - even in observation!

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