Monday, June 1, 2015

Little Rant

So I have been waiting for the bills to come in from biochemo to see what the dent is. I am on my own insurance, Obamacare persay, that I got on my own - not through my employer. I am a full supporter of all the progress with insurance and Obamacare - without it I would not be able to have insurance due to a permanent spot on the “preexisting conditions” list (thankfully that has been done for a few years!) Regardless, I have good insurance that I am very happy with. Onto the rant…
I got the explanation of benefits (EOB) for chemo and was BLOWN AWAY! For one round of my chemo they charge the insurance $83.8K! Unreal!!! And the allowed amount is $50.4K… The difference is more than I made the entire year last year. Keep in mind I did 3 rounds of this… That’s $251.5K ($151.4K after the adjustment) in treatment… an entire house! A really nice one. So my upset is that if I didn’t have insurance how would I even come close to affording even one round - thus the flaw in the medical system. People would still (hopefully) get treatment and then claim bankruptcy causing the cost of health care to continue to rise or wouldn’t get treatment and succumb to the disease. Just sad. 
All this said, I am not sure what my portion will be of this, just waiting to see. I feel so bad for the people who can’t afford the same coverage and treatment as I do. I am lucky that I have been able to have coverage my entire life (minus a short 5 months - and just not having it for that amount of time scared me too much). 
I am scared for what the next president will do with the healthcare system, but hope I can keep my status as insured for the rest of my life. 

End rant. 

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