Monday, April 18, 2016

Good days after good days

This past month I have felt really good. I haven't really had any bad days that I can really report - just an occasional random side effect showing its head for a minute and then gone for the most part. It makes me almost forget I am sick. I think being on the steroids (prednisone) has really helped as far as side effects go, but then there are the side effects from that med which I'm really not a fan of. Now that I have been on it for almost two months the water weight gain ie: moonface is definitely a reality as well as some retention in the stomach area. I am really hoping that once I am off of the prednisone the weight will drop and be back to normal. But I can't deny that the drug is helping me live a full life while also treating my cancer. It also gives me random energy that I definitely didn't have a couple months ago. I am trying my best to utilize it and not just waste it. I have started to work a bit more, helping out at Market Street Grill corporate offices as well as helping at the Farmers Markets yesterday. It isn't much but it is definitely something and is keeping me busy.
It is hard to plan out the next few months though, not really knowing what the treatment road is. I have an idea but that can change once I have my scans in 10 days. Going into them I don't have too much confidence but am really trying to not focus on it. I can still feel the small tumors in my neck and think I've hit a plateau with the meds and their effectiveness. I have also had some weird pains/sensations in my scalp that I can't really describe and then there is the slight rash that just is barely there - but just enough to notice. 
I have been super active this past week - even exercising which is a new thing for me. I went on a 3.2 mile walk yesterday and was definitely tired, but not too bad. I also had a lot of social stuff this week and was able to enjoy it all without having to bow out early cause of being tired or whatnot. That is definitely a nice change. 
I woke up today with a cold and side effects so I am laying low and giving my body a rest and hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling better. I probably over did things a bit this weekend, but it was worth it. I am trying to embrace these days that I am feeling good so that if that changes I don't feel like I wasted any of it. If that makes sense.. 
Scans are on the 27th so we will see what the next month holds. For now we are just sticking with what is happening now - just lots of at home meds and such. 
Onward ho!

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