Saturday, April 9, 2016

Little jaunt to the store and stuff

Lately I have had more energy than normal, not sure if it is just that my body is tolerating things well or the my love/hate dose of prednisone (steroid) I am on. I am leaning towards a combo of both but regardless I have had more energy lately.
I was able to go out for a good friends bachelorette party last weekend and stay out way past my normal bedtime, like hours later. I was very impressed with myself. I was in turn exhausted for a day or so but it was worth the fun since I wont be able to make it to her destination wedding next month. (On a separate note, I had some weird reaction the day of her party and was red like a sunburn in really random spots... still not sure what was going on. Thankfully that has gone down)
Last night I needed to run to the store for some things and the place I am dogsitting is close to a grocery store so I decided to walk to the store. This may not seem too crazy to some but keep in mind I haven't had the energy to be "active" or "work out" in over a good year. Even before that I wasn't too active - just mostly physical therapy for my old lady back in the pool (I was the youngin' in the pool everytime) So the fact that I felt good enough to think about walking the half mile round trip route to the store is a big deal. So I did it. Walking back was a little challenging since I bought more than I expected so it was like weightlifting too.
I am definitely out of shape, but I was still able to do it and I'm impressed with myself. Baby steps. I decided to go on the walk again today and got myself a tea. Today was a bit different since it was in the sunlight and as I have said before my meds basically turn me into a vampire and I burn in minutes while being outside. I got a bit of sun yesterday just driving in the car.. I'm a mess. Unabomber is just the look I am going to be sporting from here on out.
I am hoping to stay feeling this well and continue being active. Need to build up my stamina and get the blood flowing. Again, one day at a time.
Now off to a girls night barbecue.

My unabomber attire for my walk
Swollen and red.. 

Sunburn? Reaction? Who knows...

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