Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Chemo #4: Check

I made it to the minimum number of chemo treatments they want me to do - ideally I will make it to six. Going into my appointment yesterday I was a bit nervous because I had been feeling super sluggish and just all around exhausted and sleeping terribly. I was worried I was anemic and if I am anemic that means no more chemo. It's a weird place to be in when you are sad if you can't get chemo. You are fighting to get something that is poisoning you. Anyways, turns out I am not anemic but that my white counts just never fully recovered after dropping on the last round. Much easier to manage than being anemic.

Chemo went well yesterday, my nurse was on top of things and got me done in record time. Because my weight has dropped they had to adjust the dose accordingly and then they dropped it another 10% to help keep my white cells from dropping too far. If they go too low I will become nuetropenic again and have to go back to the hospital. No thanks! We also added Nuelasta which is a count booster that is given 24 to 48 hours after the chemo. They now have this fancy on body injector that they apply to your body during chemo and it will inject you with the drug after 27 hours. Fancy, high tech medical stuff. So I have a machine attached to me with a catheter already inserted just waiting for 7:45pm to inject. So, so strange. I'm interested to see how it feels. Applying it wasn't bad at all, felt like a rubber band snap and was really quick.

I am planning on laying low for this round, trying to not over do things and expose myself to too much. We have had a nasty flu and sickness going around and I can't risk catching it. Plus my pretty red couch needs me! ha!

Also, I am relaunching my booster tshirt campaign in the next day or so because I guess there are a few people who wanted shirts and missed the deadline just fyi! I'll post the link when it goes live.

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