Sunday, January 1, 2017

Hello, 2017

Goodbye crazy 2016 and hello 2017, may you treat us well!

Usually on New Years I like to look back at the year at all the good that has happened and lately so much craziness has been going on in the world that it is hard to look through that fog and see the good in the dark. That said, I still know there was so many good things to be happy about for 2016 as there was to be upset about.

My year was once again consumed with being cancer Alexis, not how I'd like to always be, but sometimes you need to commit yourself fully to something to get rid of it. I know I am not rid of my cancer, and it in fact is worse than it was last year, but I know I have given it all I have and don't plan on quitting anytime soon. I have done 8 different treatment options in 2016 alone, including surgery, brain radiation, neck radiation and BRaf inhibitors multiple times. I have been hospitalized for drug induced hepatitis (liver issues) three times, went to the ER three times for all different reasons, hospitalized for nuetropenic fevers and then infection one week later. I had to have a feeding tube that I threw up twice. I got a port placed and it was the best thing I've done. I had a liver biopsy. I had a weird breathing treatment. I have two creepy radiation masks of my face/head. Got three radiation tattoos across my shoulders/chest that will be there forever. I gained 40lbs from a 4 month high steroid treatment regimen, to only drop down to my lowest weight in years due to chemo and radiation. I have had to force myself to eat and realized the amount we take tasting for granted. I have mucousitis. I have drug induced hypothyroidism. I have come accustomed to giving myself blood thinner shots twice a day. I had a 6" x 6" tumor mass/cluster removed from my neck. Received 2nd and 3rd degree burns from intense radiation to my neck and head. I lost all my hair a second time this year. I lost a good friend to this crazy cancer and it lingers in my head daily that I am still here and she is not. I have learned that cancer is my job for now and it will stay that way until I am NED (no evidence of disease) or don't have a choice.

Personally life was really pretty great this year. I traveled when I could, headed to California, Bear Lake and then traveled around to things in Utah that I had never made the time to see like the Spiral Jetty, Peach Days, Snowbird and Eden Balloon Fest. I went boating. I saw the Dhali Llama and got a creeper picture with him (he didn't know though...) Saw some great friends get married. Celebrated the 4th and 24th of July, Halloween and New Years. I worked when I could for a company that has been more than flexible with me and I'm beyond grateful. I finally am in my own place and have all my things in one place and no more storage unit. I had my best friend some in and surprise me from out of town multiple times because she knew I needed her. I entertained the idea of dating even if the other person didn't have any idea that's what was happening - can we say friend zone? I need to work on that... I reconnected with some friends from years past and they have been some of the most beneficial friendships through this all. I met my mini melanoma soul mate Ruby and am so happy she is still fighting on without even realizing she's fighting. Also becoming good friends with her Momma has been a blessing in itself. I had people spoil me and support me and walk with me and send letters and cards and presents and elf deliveries and a couch delivery and just so many things!

All the ups were met with their downs that's for sure. I lost some amazing pet friends as well as some great acquaintances.

For 2017 I want to live in the moment and, not to be morbid, but I want to just live. I want to make it to next New Years feeling better than I feel today. I want to gain strength every day - mental and physical. I want to still be the Alexis that just stops by to say hi cause I was in the neighborhood or sends you a text because you popped into my head - even though I know people think that's odd. I thrive on connection and want to have more of that with those in my life. There are too many days that I feel so lonely yet am surrounded by so much love. I hope to change that feeling and build up my core support group so they can hear me even when I'm quiet. I don't want what 2017's negative potential to make me hard and cold. I want to hold out hope that there is still good in all people. I want to be unapologetic-ally nice to those around me and still find the positive in all the things I can. I want to spend more time building traditions and experiences and adventures with those I care about and not have to apologize for who I am. I want to show people what #stageIVlivin is all about so they can hopefully live their lives more fully.

2017, I hold out hope for you. I want to believe you will be kind to me if I am kind in return. So, bring it on 2017.
My New Years Cards

Couldn't resist these glasses

My New Years crew for years now

Gubby and my 10th New Years together! <3

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