Thursday, February 2, 2017


The never dull life of a stage IV melanoma patient...
This week I had my scans and appointments and chemo scheduled. I don't know if I have been as anxious about scans as I was this time around just because it holds some solid weight in what the next options are. Although I have been feeling alright with things and haven't felt any new tumor growth in my neck, you never know with the rest of your body.
I was able to get down the nasty contrast they make you drink and was able to do the scans without problems luckily.
My appointments were early the next day. Turns out that I am stable again which is great news, just besides my brain. There is some toss up as to whether my first brain tumor hemorrhaged or is just flaring from the treatment, but either way is larger. I am not having any side effects in relation to that so we will just continue to watch it closely. My lung nodules are the same size if not smaller and then my neck has just one area that we are going to biopsy to see if it is tumor or scar tissue. It is around my parotid gland. With all this news we decided to no longer do the current chemo regimen and switch to Keytruda (Pembro). This is the drug that Jimmy Carter was on and has kept him in remission for almost a year now. We have avoided going on this because of my sensitive liver but the doctors say that hopefully since resetting so many cells that it wont be as sensitive now but we will continually check my blood levels and see where we are. Keytruda is also the very last approved treatment for my cancer. After this it will be me going back to other options or adding clinical trials to the mix. My insurance is pushing back on it right now but we are hoping to get it approved and start treatment next week.
Although I am excited to see how Keytruda works for me I am also very nervous about my liver and this being the last option technically. Just puts worry into my head. My liver now is great and actually low so that is a good starting spot. I will be happy to get my hair back too, can't wait to see the little hairs start growing again! I should also feel pretty good on the treatment in comparison to chemo so it makes me hopeful that I can begin working again and just getting back to life. Chemo life isn't so great, it's a very tired existence! The treatment is given every 3 weeks by outpatient infusion and I can be on it for up to 2 years. Treatment option #12 I'm coming for you!

Monday also marked one year since Mandy passed away. Definitely a bittersweet weekend and day. I had dinner with her mom that Saturday and then was at the hospital on Monday when they came to do a pay it forward to the people on the 4th floor. It was so great to see them all and get hugs on that day in particular. They have been so great in my journey that I just can't imagine it without them. And I really can't believe it has been a year already. I am planning on getting some glitter nails or something done this week to just have the reminder of that sweet girls smiling face (and now that I don't have anymore chemo planned I can have them done again! Who'd ever think you shouldn't get nails done if you are on treatment?!)  Love you Mandy.

As for the rest of my life there isn't much going on. I have been trying really hard at eating and keeping weight on but it has been really hard. I lost another 5lbs in 3 weeks. While I am loving shrinking and all, I know it isn't a healthy weight loss so it isn't ideal. Also there is a high chance of steroids in my future so I can't get too used to this smaller figure. Things just still aren't tasting like much and then things I liked 2 weeks ago aren't good now and it is just weird! Still working hard on it though.
I am also trying to get my second bedroom/storage area all situated and organized. I am completely a hoarder that doesn't know what to do with some things. Lets just say a WHOLE lot has been donated!
I got some fish ... then they all died... so I got a single betta. Gus Gus is doing good so far, almost 5 days in and going strong!

Also it is the last day to order the #melafreakinoma shirts from  they are so dang comfy that there has been 4 or 5 people ordering doubles! Yay for awareness and comfort!

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