Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Cancer is hard.

I have been home for almost a week and it has been one of the hardest weeks. It sadly has been harder being home than being at the hospital being pumped full of chemo. I have had a continuous fight with nausea and fatigue and just barely was able to eat some solids last night. On Monday I had to go in to the acute care clinic at Huntsman to receive fluids since my body wasn’t playing nice. Dehydration isn’t a fun thing. They got me feeling better pretty fast and sent me on my way. 
One thing I will say is that my care through all this has been amazing and very personal. Every nurse, doctor and staff has been beyond kind and caring. It makes such a difference having a good care staff vs. a horrible one. 
That brings me to my sister and mom. No idea how I would do this without them. Sarah has been so great and caring. She made me “magic bone broth” that literally was the only thing I could keep down with any nutrients for the past week. She has created medicine charts/schedules, tracked symptoms, been my researcher on those symptoms and has been the gate keeper of people checking in and attempting to visit - or being the “bad cop” as she says. (sorry to my amazing army who want to come see me, it just isn’t in the cards right now) My sister has just been a rock steady support through all this, just amazing. 
My mom has been great too, she has come up while my sister is at work just to make sure I’m ok or need anything. Sadly she has come down with a nasty cold so she isn’t able to come visit for a while until it is cleared up. I am lucky to have these ladies as my constant strength. 
When I went into the clinic on Monday they tested my white blood cell counts and they were back in the normal range which is a really good thing. I had to do a shot on Sunday that was to boost them and thank goodness it worked because holy hell it was an expensive shot ($5600) I can definitely think of a whole lot of things I’d rather spend that money on. Because of my issues from everything though they decided to not have me take the home injections of the interferon as it seems like my body wouldn’t handle it well. It is still a possibility after round 2 and 3 but as for now I don’t have to take them. 
Each day I have a new symptom emerge it seems. Yesterday was that my entire body itches (that is still going on fyi) and today I feel like my lungs are spasming. All things we are monitoring and hoping go down fast. 
On a good note, I have never felt more love and support from my friends and family. I have had meals delivered (really cool actually), a housekeeper came in and cleaned the main level, “chemo care kits” dropped off, a treatment paper chain made (adorable), numerous text and email check-ins and calls. There is even a secret support group on facebook that they are organizing meals and things, really it’s amazing. I really don’t know how I would do this without all the love, truly. It makes me speechless. 
I hope to write more as I start feeling better and enter into round 2. 

Thanks for the love and support, it doesn’t go unnoticed. 
Still taking things one day at a time. 

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