Friday, April 24, 2015

Finally a little bit of normal

I have finally started to feel a bit better and have some energy! Right in time to go back in. 
I had my doctors appointments yesterday to make sure my body is ready to start again and they had a couple concerns about my liver function. I guess it isn’t liking the insane amount of poison - ie medicine - we are putting into my body which isn’t surprising.  He said that we will just adjust one of the medicines, Interferon Alpha, so that it will be ok to continue. He said adjusting this med doesn’t reduce the effectiveness of treatment much so he is comfortable lowering it. I am ok with that as well since that was the med that caused me the most issues in the hospital. We also talked about how we can make coming home from the hospital easier as well as the PICC line (the IV line they give me in the hospital that I have a complete panic attack while they were doing it like a baby) They said that the fatigue is compounding so I should expect even more this round. Nothing like a forced break from life. At least my bed, room and house are comfy for me to relax in and I have all sorts of new things from people to keep me busy.  I feel good about the adjustments and we will just be ready to go on Monday. 

I have been able to get out of the house a couple times this week and have had visitors. It’s been nice to get out, even if it some of it was to go to the doctors. 
My first outing was to visit with a great friend who was in town and I haven’t seen her for 4+ years. Erin is like a sister to me as I used to date her brother and I truly feel like we are sisters-in-law. It was so great to catch up with her and see how great she is doing. I can’t believe it had been so long, but time flies when you get busy and such!
My dad is coming up today to bring lunch too. I haven’t seen him since before treatment since he got a nasty cold that lasted two weeks so he didn’t want to come around me, which is understandable. It will be good to see him.
I am still getting spoiled like crazy with gifts and cards. It’s unreal. I am beyond thankful, speechless even, for the amazing team of support I have around me. It makes this journey doable. 
I am so close to being over half way done with chemo - my two paper chains are getting shorter and shorter. It’s a great feeling to think of being so much closer to being done. 1/3 done with chemo. ¼ done with treatment. I can do it. 
One day at a time. 

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