Monday, November 23, 2015


Last night was definitely a night to remember... Well a weekend to remember I'd say!

Lets start with Saturday night. Tyler and I had tickets to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer musical. We grabbed dinner before and then headed to the play. It was actually a lot of fun! We may have been the only ones with out children but I still really enjoyed it, probably since I am a kid at heart. Afterwards we decided to grab a drink at the bar across the street. When we walked in I looked up and saw my good friend Brooke there. I was shocked and thought we may have caught her on a date! I even asked if we were interrupting haha, but turns out she was there to surprise me. So fun. We got some drinks and chatted and then I felt someone scooting by me, almost like trying to sit at the table next to me and thought it was very rude and then she sat down next to Tyler and it was my best friend from California!! What a serious surprise! I was so excited to see her! And beyond shocked. She told me she found a cheap flight and was here for the weekend. We got some more drinks and had a great time.

Sunday I went to the market for a minute and then we met up for brunch and then decided to go see the toy store at Grand America. We ended up grabbing tea and ran into another friend of mine and we spent a good 2 hours just chatting and hanging out. Really fun. We had plans to meet up with Maryann and others for dinner later so we just killed some time at her aunts before heading out.
As we were driving to the restaurant Maryann called and said her car was breaking down and her brakes were grinding - asking if I can hear them over the phone even. Regardless she said she was pulling over and to come get her. Not thinking anything of it I headed to get her. We got there and she was sitting on her bumper. She pulled into the place we hold our holiday markets and when we pulled in there were all sorts of cars, which is weird for a Sunday. She opened the car door and then said "wait you have to see how these guys are dancing in this party!" and me being a nosy Nelly was all for peeking, so I pulled into a makeshift parking spot and we went to spy. I thought we were going to look through the windows and Maryann said she just opened the door.. What?! She's crazy! But before I knew it she had knocked on the door and it opened and there stood 50+ of my closest friends and family yelling SURPRISE!!! What the hell just happened?!?! I was soooo surprised, like absolutely no idea what was going on. I just had everyone staring at me, a camcorder pointed at me, flashes from phones and cameras going off and a DJ (What?!) blaring music for me. I seriously couldn't believe my eyes.. which started to fill up with gratitude and full of love. I have never felt more loved and special in my whole life! I can't believe I didn't see it coming at all!! I have lost my intense curiosity in my old age of 33! Ha!

It was a birthday benefit - so people had to pay $33 to attend and then there was a silent auction full of AMAZING things donated by all sorts of people. My market family really showed up for me. I kept trying to look at all the items but kept getting pulled away so I need to get the list of everything there. It looked awesome from what I saw!

There was Fire and Slice Wood Fire pizza cooking pizzas and making salads. If I had one more minute to think things through I would have realized it was pizza's trailer outside (I noticed it as we were walking in) but before I knew it the door was opening.. Sneaky Sneaky people! There was also tamales from Tamales Tita, cookies from The Hungry Bear, shortbread cookies from Scotti and Shorts, coffee donated by Starbucks. There was a bar with my favorite drinks: Hennessy and coke, champagne and PBR. My great friend Elisa from The Baking Hive made a 3-tier birthday cake with sprinkles, it was beautiful and beyond delicious! There was a magician which was really fun and also cotton candy. Balloons everywhere. I had a sash that said happy birthday. My sister even brought me a wardrobe change. The theme was "Big Kid Elegance" and it definitely was!

Maryann gave a sweet speech and then so did Megg - using my favorite #.. #melafuckinoma. Although it was a family affair, it was needed. Ha! Then everyone sang happy birthday and I blew out the candles after making a wish. Then the DJ played some great songs and we all joined in line dancing and group dances. SO much fun! My dad hopefully caught some of it on camera.. We shall see what the final product shows.

I can't believe they pulled this off without me even having a slight idea of what was happening! I had seen so many of them in the weeks leading up to it and no one even hinted to anything. Ashley coming into town didn't even heighten my radar. Even everyone at the market wishing me a happy birthday didn't make me wonder - I just thought Maryann was telling them I wasn't working cause it was my birthday. Never did I think the party of the year was in the works!

How am I so lucky to be surrounded by such love and support? It truly took my breath away and made so beyond full of gratitude, love and belonging! My army really showed up for me that night. It was so amazing. Words truly can't describe it. (even though I have made a very long post to describe it! Ha!)

After all was said and done they raised over $5,000 for me, about $4,000 after all expenses were tallied. SOO AMAZING! I was starting to stress about money heading into the new year as my deductible and max out of pocket restarts. I still have some money left from the previous fundraisers but was getting a little worried about how far it would go.. But my friends really pulled through on this. It really is incredible.

33 is going to be good I'm telling ya!! Birthday months are THE BEST!

Dance floor! 

One of the amazing auction items from Salsita Mendoza

Our fun DJ

My wonderful cake!! So fun!

Auction Item from Zagpie

Almost all my girls

Me and baby Jax and Jordan

My Market Street crew - So FUN!

Just a little Gangnum Style

Not sure if this is Gangnum or Whip and Nae Nae... either way really fun!

Beautiful auction signs and items!

My friends in Seattle sent over chocolates in a hand crafted glass bowl for the auction. So nice!

Me and Courtney

Kori and Jeff from The Hungry Bear and Iliana photobombing

The master mind behind it all - Miss Maryann and I. 

The dance floor

My welcome crew

Auction Sheets

Auction tables

Elisa and I by her amazingly beautiful cake

Delicious Pizza right out of the oven

My surprise face

Ashley, Elisa and I

I mean really... so fun!


  1. Reading this makes me happy!

    1. Well the entire thing made me beyond happy! Don't think I could ever thank you enough! Love you lady!
