Saturday, December 12, 2015

Update on my friend Mandy

As many of you have followed my journey you have seen that I have become near and dear friends with my melanoma soul sister, Mandy. We are fighting the same beast (hers has a little more aggression than mine sadly) and it has been a really hard few days/weeks for her. She has been inpatient at Huntsman Cancer Institute since the day after Thanksgiving.  What started with severe pain in her back, led to a very bad infection pocket in her leg with lymphedema. The infection came back as staph and she has done several rounds of the IV antibiotics to kill it. Her fevers are up and down and they won’t send her home until they are under control. They started radiation on her tumor in her groin to try and shrink it to reduce the intense and crippling pain she is experiencing. During her stay she not only has acquired pneumonia but she also has formed a new blood clot in her bad leg. She just can’t catch a break. I’ve been trying to spend as much time up there as I can as I know what being in there is like and once you are alone your mind starts to wonder into some not so great thoughts. It was hard to leave her when I went on my trip. Not only just to leave and have her not have as much support (I mean this lady has a support system for miles!!) but more that I feel guilty to be feeling good enough to head on a 6 day cross country adventure. I know I shouldn’t feel bad about it (she gets really mad when I say I do) but I do. I just wish she didn’t have to endure so many complications and could be out there enjoying life AND kicking this cancers ass. I hate that it is beating her up so much!
I’m happy we have each other though and I know if the tables were turned she’d be by my side as much as possible too. And I’d want her to be out enjoying her life too.  I just really wish she could catch a break and start to beat this cancer once and for all.

Keep her in your thoughts and prayers if you’re a prayer, I know her and her family will appreciate it!

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