Friday, August 5, 2016

Broke out of Hotel Huntsman!

Hotel Huntsman (Huntsman Cancer Hospital) although very nice, is not where I want to spend my time. After one night there I broke out and was able to head home. 

Liver levels stayed the same overnight basically so no new spikes which is good. Met with the liver team and we are going to try and figure out what is happening with my liver and why it is reacting so drastically to all the cancer meds we use. Instead of throwing steroids at it forever we are looking into a drug that treats auto-immune hepatitis (that is how my liver is acting although it isn't testing positive for it) This would be a long term drug and have far less side effects than long term use of steroids. 
We will be doing a liver biopsy the beginning of next week sometime to get a better idea of what is happening on a cellular level so we can approach it the best way. How they do a liver biopsy I have no idea. Let me just say I hope I get put out 100% for it, none of this conscious sedation crap! I should know more by the end of today. 

I will also be going in tomorrow and getting my liver levels checked.

I have been pulled from my BRaf inhibitors/treatment for now. Couple reasons - one, I have to be off of them for at least 7 days before doing my brain radiation and two, my liver is obviously not happy about it. I am not looking forward to my tumors sprouting back up and it makes me nervous that I will most likely see some side effects from my lung tumors. I truly hope not. 

While in the hospital I did a crazy treatment to prevent pneumonia as well as some other viral infection that people on prolonged steroids tend to get. I had to sit in a plastic shell and breath some crazy stuff and blow it out into a filter. It was strange to say the least, but if it helps me avoid a separate sickness I am in. 

Cause this is the closest thing to smoking I have ever gotten.. ha. 

Also, thank you SkullCandy for donating a ton of headphones to the hospital! What a bonus to get while staying there. Can't wait to try them out! 

it's fo freeeeee

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