Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Liver Biopsy Today

Today is when I get my liver biopsy - and I'm not looking forward to it in the slightest.

I am hoping it is going to be fast and that I will have some sedatives.. I know they don't put you out but I don't respond to the conscious sedation well so we shall see.

This biopsy will help determine what is going on with my liver and hopefully give us some answers as to why it continues to stay elevated as well as why it isn't tolerating any drug/treatment we have been trying. The doctors said that it is acting as if I have autoimmune hepatitis but that I am not testing positive for it, so hopefully a closer look at the cells and such will give a better idea of what is happening.

After they look at the biopsy they will decide if I should go on a liver med or just continue the steroids. Ideally I will come off the steroids and the liver med will regulate my liver enough that I can start a new treatment and continue fighting the cancer. As of right now I am not on any treatment and can not start a new one if I am on steroids. We really need my liver to start shaping up!

As of three days ago my liver numbers were trending down but still high, about 8-9x the normal. They will check them again today I believe and we should see what they are doing.

Here's hoping it is a fast biopsy!

Biopsy went well. It wasn't nearly as bad as I had anticipated which was a huge relief. They gave me mild sedation, which actually worked, so I wasn't too anxious as it was happening. The pain wasn't bad either. I think the hardest part was having to lay on my stomach for 3 hours after the biopsy to help stop bleeding.

Also I wanted to make sure everyone knows that they are not doing this biopsy to look for cancer - they are looking for reasons why the liver is freaking out when I am on treatments.

We should have the results by Monday

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