Monday, September 7, 2015

Reality is rough!

So I am definitely back to work. I am working roughly 20ish hours a week driving and running around for my good friends and their multiple companies. Although I'm not doing much physical things (thanks to my old lady back.. that's a whole other post...) I still get wiped out after running around for a few hours. I am happy to be back though as it is nice having purpose in my day. From this treatment the fatigue has been pretty bad. Not nearly as bad as chemo, as I don't think many things can compare to that craziness, but it is still pretty crazy how tired I get. I have also been nauseous every morning since my last treatment. I have only thrown up once, but the nausea is pretty consistent. I would compare how I feel to being pregnant.
I have also been getting out more and spending more time at the weekend market with friends. Slowly working up the stamina to start back working the markets. I am not sure that will happen by the end of the season but I will keep trying.
I started dogsitting again about two months ago and have been doing that a lot more. I have a pretty packed schedule for the rest of the year. It is nice to have a change of scenery plus make a few bucks. One day I will have a real job, but for now the random side jobs add up enough.
I go in for my last infusion and injections on Wednesday. I am a bit nervous because I feel like my tumors have began growing again. It looks much larger than it has so I am hoping it is either the same size or smaller but I'm not thinking it is. After this treatment I have my scans at the end of the month and we will evaluate whether to continue on this treatment (up to an additional 13 injections) or switch to a new treatment, probably PD1. We shall see... I am hoping for the injections to work and not switch treatments. Here's hoping...
I have some fun things coming up though, I go to Seattle in 10 days and then go to Mexico for my birthday in November. I am looking forward to both! I am hoping that for Seattle I don't feel too sick as it will only be 8 days after treatment. If I feel like I have this last round I will be just fine and be able to enjoy myself. It should be fun!

On to my next treatment, can't believe I am already through almost all of it! What a year it has been. I am grateful my body has tolerated all this as well as it has. Craziness I tell ya! Here are some pictures from the week...


Sunrise - hadn't seen one of these for a while!

Go Utes!

Hanging at the golf course with Brookie


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