Thursday, September 10, 2015

Treatment #6

Yesterday I finished my 6th injection and 4th (and final) infusion. It was a long day again, about 8 hours up at the hospital going to and from multiple appointments and ending in the infusion room. As far as progress, it wasn't what I wanted to hear. I had a feeling the tumors were bigger or just the same size and they both were bigger. My doctor told me to not be too concerned and that once we get the scans done (in 3 weeks) that we will be able to see if it is tumor mass or if it is becoming a different liquid. If it is more liquid it means that the treatment is working and that it is dissolving the tumor. That's what we are hoping for. Although it is what we would like, it is still hard to hear them say it has gone back up. I just want them gone!! But it will take time. I have to be patient.
I have felt so good through this treatment - almost too good at times. I actually have to remind myself to not overdue some days. But after treatment yesterday it hit me like a bag of bricks. It was my roughest night since chemo. I was up most of the night, couldn't get comfortable since my tumor was so tight and swollen. I was extremely nauseous and ended up throwing up 4 times. (I wont be having pho anytime soon..) I finally dozed off around 4:15 am. I woke up just as nauseous and exhausted. I left the house to get my mind off how sick I was but ended up coming back and enjoying a 2 1/2 hour nap, and could definitely go to bed still. The nausea is still intense. Working on staying hydrated and not overdo things. Was going to go to the fair tonight to watch a good friend sing, but nope. Cancer had a different plan. It is to be lazy and let my body fight this beast. Again, I have to be patient.

After my last treatment (#5) I posted a picture on Instagram and got a comment on my picture from someone I didn't know. This alarmed me for multiple reasons, first I am not usually public so to get a random comment is strange (I had put my profile public for a couple days). And second the comment was "I saw you up there today." Little stalkerish lol. But I went to her profile and came to find out that I also saw her in the infusion room. She also is 32, also has Melanoma (stage 4) and is also doing the exact same treatment as me. What are the odds? So we connected through Facebook and texts and we finally met up yesterday in real life. I can't describe the connection we have. We are so much alike - besides both fighting this beast. She's a doll! She also brought me an amazing gift of wooden flowers, so dang nice! All I brought her is some medicated lotion for her hives ha! I went the thoughtful route for once. I think we will have a friendship for a long time to come. Some of the good things to come out of this cancer BS.

I also saw my cousins who live in New York this past week and it was so great to see them - I don't know the last time I saw them. Emily was horribly injured while in Bora Bora by 4 dogs on the beach. They attacked her out of the blue and nearly killed her. We have been in contact since the accident but it was so great to actually see her face to face. She is beyond strong and I can't imagine the terror that she experienced that day and the days to follow. She is amazing - it made me have a restart of energy and perseverance. She is doing so well and improving daily still. And she has amazing names for all her big injuries - I want them to name my tumors for me! I'll work on that. It is amazing the battles everyone faces, large and small. To see her conquer this with grace is amazing. I truly have amazing people in my life.

I'm hoping that I don't feel sick for too long. I have a trip to Seattle in a week and am hoping I feel good for that. Guess we shall see!

Here are some pictures from the last few days...
Left: Before injections Right: Today after injections

My beautiful wooden flowers!

Infusion Room Selfie #4

My sweet visitor Elise

My water mug ie: my binkie. I love this sucker!

New melanoma bracelets

My hair is growing like a weed! And my eyelashes are crazy long too...

My new cancer buddy Mandy - We will beat this!

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