Saturday, May 14, 2016

Fever city

It's been three days since treatment and I've had a rough go. I've basically been sleeping mostly and dealing with practically constant fevers, ranging from 99°-104° (I almost went in when it hit that high but it went down as fast as it went up) I also have sweat more than I have in ages just from the fevers rising and breaking - makes for some good curls though.
Today I've had a bit more energy in the last half of the day so I'm hoping that I just continue to feel better as each day goes by. Being knocked down so quickly does a number on me mentally and definitely reminds me that I'm sick. It also doesn't help that I can feel and see my tumors growing. Yep, from being off meds for 11 days they have grown and in the last two days they have definitely grown and are tender. This could be all my TCells attacking the cancer cells like they are supposed to but we won't know until scans in July. Here's hoping!
Definitely going forward one day at a time.

Damn tumors... Hoping it is a good sign and not sure growing out of control

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