Wednesday, June 29, 2016

New Plan... For the 6th time

Today was the day to decide what we are doing next. It was my appointment with my general oncologist. Since I hit toxicity and formed auto-immune hepatitis from the Nivolumab/Ipilimumab combo I am not allowed to proceed because the risk of liver failure is basically 100%. And if that happens then I am not a candidate for a transplant because of having cancer. Obviously this is worst case scenario but we aren't going to risk anything.
There is a couple options available still, one being a new clinical trial. It combines an injection into the lesions/tumors and also has infusions of Keytruda. I do not remember the official name of the injection but it is IL12, and very potent and it sounds crazy. The injections are supposed to be extremely painful and invasive. The tumors would double or triple in size before going down. With all that said it is showing to be very promising in the long run, but things would get worse before they got better.
My doctor basically said he has put me through the 2 hardest treatments and this would be number 3.
I was gearing myself up to sign on to this intense and invasive treatment and then we realized I am not eligible due to my high steroid regimen I'm on. I would have to be off of it completely before starting and that wont be for at least 6 weeks. And at that point we will look at it all again.

That brought us to figure out what we can do. Basically we need to get a handle on the tumors and get the pain down. This can be done through radiation or going back on the BRaf inhibitors. Because of my steroid regimen I am not eligible for any new treatment but can revisit old ones. We decided against radiation (thankfully!!) Because it has the potential to take options off the table later down the road. That left us with the BRaf inhibitors. We know I respond quickly to these and hopefully it will shrink the tumors so I can have some pain relief. We will stay on these until I hit the plateau again (it is inevitable that I will, almost all patients on this hit a plateau within a year). Although I don't like to see my options shrink, I am ok with this plan. I know that I tolerate the inhibitors well and feel pretty normal on them so that makes me happy to know that I can enjoy summer and won't be too sick. My Sun sensitivity will increase again but I have hats and all the sunscreen anyone could need!

So new treatment plan but not new treatment... Treatment 5 part 2?
I should be able to start the meds the beginning of next week. I will also have new scans to restage me and make sure we are still just dealing with tumors in my neck. Let's hope they have still stayed localized.

I'm excited for the holiday weekend and fireworks and hot dogs and friends. Now if I could have an adult beverage that would be even better... Damn liver!

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