Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day One, Treatment Option 6 aka Treatment Option 4 act 2

Today is day one again. I have started the BRaf inhibitors once again so that I am on a treatment while we wait for some other options to be available. I am eager to see these start working as fast as they did the first time around and get some pain relief. Like I mentioned in the last post, it is getting a bit uncontrollable.

I had my liver checked again yesterday and the enzymes are coming down still, just very slowly. One is 118 (3x too high) and the other is still 400+ (supposed to be 60). They are coming down which we want but the longer they are up the longer I am on steroids. I know I am complaining a lot about the steroids, but man it is something else! Yesterday I was wired and in my form of "roid rage" for sure, just uneasy and buzzing. Don't like those days.

Scans/Restaging has been scheduled for this Saturday (exactly how I want to spend my afternoon) so here's hoping that things are still localized in my neck. Scanxiety is a real thing, and I am blocking it out until that day. Which I have realized I will have to have some sort of sedation for since I can't lay flat for that long without my neck burning a hole in my head... That should be interesting!

One thing to mention - I am sipping on a cup of coffee. Sounds mundane, but since my surgery in 2015 my body just doesn't want anything to do with it. I have tried a couple times to revisit it, but no luck. I am trying again today, it actually sounded semi good. I have a quarter of a cup, we'll see if I make it though it! Ha. Little things.

Happy day one x 6 to all my lovely followers - I am learning I don't know many of you! So fascinating!


  1. You can complain, vent, whatever you want to call it all you want. Its your reality and your blog is here for us to understand it. Prayers and love for you!

    1. Thank you my dear... Sometimes I just need to really let the reality show. Not always fun. xoxox
