Friday, July 8, 2016

Pool Day

Today was spent relaxing by the pool with a friend that I literally haven’t seen since 8th grade. We grew up down the street from each other and then lost touch as we got older. Thanks to Facebook we reconnected and then thanks to my illness and some other factors we truly connected in the real world. Although so much has happened in our lives since 8th grade, we are still so similar and parallel in ways. She has been a great support for me as she’s been in the patient role as well and knows the frustrations and ups and downs. It is different when people know what you mean when you talk about some of the medical things. She also is extremely healthy and is helping with my steroid cravings and just overall good health – I promise I am trying my best to follow suit!

Her husband is an uphill runner. Why that is considered fun I have no idea at all. Literally I was mind boggled asking him questions about it. He legit just runs up mountain sides to peaks – runs. He had a race up at one of the ski resorts today so we came up to relax by the spa pool and catch up on our chats and then watch him run. The pool was great, we stole half the umbrellas like vampires and just sat and relaxed and snacked and talked and it was really good for the soul to escape the valley for an afternoon. We then rode the Tram up to the peak to watch him finish his race. He took second place by barely a few minutes and still was jogging up the last part, which was sand mind you. He had no idea we were going to meet him at the top so he was pretty excited to see his wife there cheering him on. It was the first time I met him and so it was a pretty memorable meeting if I do say so myself.

As I was driving home I just kept thinking how crazy this life truly is. If 20+ years ago I could have thought forward to where my life is now I would never think even a quarter of it would be the way it is. You can plan all you want and have these ideas in your head of what you want or what it will look like, but nothing goes as planned. Life throws you curve balls and you turn in ways you didn’t think you would, for good and bad. But it all turns out. Although it isn’t the life I ever imagined it would be, I still am grateful for where I am and the people around me. Even with cancer it isn’t all bad.

Selfie at Hidden Peak, Snowbird, Utah

I mean really, does he look like he just ran up that mountain in an hour? Amazing.

Sporadic selfie 

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