Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Ups, downs and meltdown

Sometimes I have to just stop and breath. That is what right this moment is. It's crazy how one day can hold so many emotions. Here's my day. . .
I am staying up at Snowbird, a local ski resort that is open for summer and my best friends have a week timeshare. It is a staycation about 25 minutes away and seems like a whole different world. You escape the heat of the valley into mountains and beauty. I am lucky enough they let me come stay the whole week, I'm sure there are days they want it to themselves though. Regardless it's the 4th year I've joined them and I look forward to it each year. Today I planned on heading to the valley to meet some friends from out of town and then I got a call to look at an apartment. As I got ready I could feel that things would go one of two ways... Good day or a steroid rage day. Definitely was heading for the latter.. I drove down the canyon and had to check myself because I was starting to just get annoyed at the drivers for no reason really. Then the apartment was pretty awful. Then just didn't feel great and had to fill time until meeting friends. By the time I met the friends I was drained. Luckily once they got there I got a second wind (the sugar high didn't hurt either) and was able to really enjoy seeing them.
After that I drove back up the canyon and just was overwhelmed. So many thoughts and things were just racing through my mind, I couldn't shut my brain off. Once I got back to Snowbird I needed to just stare into nothing, not talk to anyone. Luckily they have a solarium/quiet space I could take advantage of and I sat up there for an hour. It helped calm me down a bit but the thoughts still just came rushing in. Headed back to the room and my friend could see through the fake smile and I just lost it. Today I was just done once it is all said and done. I had my cry and then took a nice shower. Thoughts slowed down and I was able to relax on the couch.
I then turned the channel and there was the Craig Sager speech (next post) definitely not what I wanted to hear at the moment but definitely what I needed to hear.
Now to bed. Today is done. Tomorrow I can start fresh. Sometimes one day at a time is a giant feat. As in today. And sometimes you just need to actually let people see you in the breakdown. Be human. On to tomorrow.

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